Unlock Your Inner Peace: The Power of Pen and Paper Self-Care

Why choose pen and paper over digital journaling. 

While it is convenient to journal digitally. However, research has shown that the writing process activates more parts of our brain than typing into the iPad. 

Whenever I tried to journal using my handphone, I am distracted by the notifications that comes from my whatapps messaging or from other apps like “Buy one free one” promotions. My writing will often be interrupted and my thoughts started to stray. 

As I looked back at my journaling journey, 80% of my journaling is done on pen and paper. This leads to bursts of creativity, reflection and self-improvement. 

Let me share some tips to kickstart your journey. 

  • Start small: Aim for 5-10 minutes a day. Consistency is key, so a manageable routine is easier to stick to.
  • Start with a gratitude list : I have shared this in my previous blog. 
  • Carve out time: instead of scrolling through social media mindlessly after a tired day of work or school. Set 5-10 minutes to write something in your journal. Have a pen and a journal with you. My daughter has designed a self care journal for me and I find useful to track my meals/exercises/activitirs that promote self care.  Every year, she contributes 10% of her proceeds to charity. First two years she donates to Focus on the family and last year to Calvary Community Care to help the underprivileged. You may drop me an email at sarahlhn@yahoo.com.sg for more information. 
  • Find the time that you work best : are you an early bird or a night owl. I am a morning person and I feel more motivated to journal in the morning. Morning journaling can set a positive tone for me, whereas evening reflections may help someone who has a late chronotype to process the day’s experiences better.  Experiment and see what works best for you.
  • Make it a Habit : pen down whatever that comes to mind. It need not be a perfect sentence. Pair journaling with an existing habit like making coffee or reading before bed. This creates a mental cue and reinforces the behavior. It is said that an action repeated for more than 6 weeks, it will be developed as a habit, a routine. 
  • Embrace prompts: If a blank page intimidates you, use journaling prompts to get the thoughts flowing. My daughter’s self care journal is entitled : Journal with Pete the polar bear. It contains prompts like : “There is always time for coffee”, “Just like plants need care and so do you” 
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment: Bullet journaling, mind maps, or incorporating sketches and doodles can make journaling more engaging.

Imagine the satisfaction of revisiting handwritten entries, tangible reminders of your growth and resilience.

Invest in your well-being. Join Pete the polar bear in this Journaling journey  today!

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